Justine & Chelsea's Eventide Brewing Wedding * Atlanta Wedding Photographer

This Eventide Brewing Wedding was one of the most fun weddings I got to work at and I think everyone should think of the possibility of a brewery for a venue. Such a relaxed and fun environment. The lovely brides made the day so magical and awesome, here they share a little of their story and I hope you will love it! I did! 

Justine and Chelsea's Wedding day in their own words was:

  • Relaxed

  • Happy

  • SO FUN

  • A perfect reflection of us as a couple, down to the littles details

  • Surrounded by family and friends

  • So. Much. Love.

  • Everything we wanted our wedding to be and more. We really could not have made this happen without the support of our friends and families, both on the day of the wedding and in the months leading up to it.

Our Story:

Chelsea and Justine met in April 2014,the good ol' fashioned way: on the internet. After a week of texting and talking on the phone, they went on a marathon first date and had such a great time just being with each other, that they made plans to see each other approximately 800 times over the next three months. 

At the end of the summer, Justine was going to move home to Florida to continue a post-grad school job hunt, but Chelsea suggested she move in instead. It was a pretty easy sell; Chelsea owned her own house and offered Justine free reign of the vegetable garden, and Toby the hound dog was willing to give up his side of the bed in exchange for never having to go up and down apartment stairs again. Plus, Justine didn't even have to rent a U-Haul because Chelsea had a pick-up truck.

Two weeks later, they accidentally went to PetSmart on a Saturday and came home with a kitten. The rest, as they say, was history.


Chelsea and Justine decided they both wanted to propose to the other. After all, there aren't enough opportunities in life to make a grand gesture to the person you love the most. They decided that they'd to go out of town for a long weekend and each propose at some point before the end of the trip.


Chelsea and I had agreed we would both propose over our winter vacation in February 2016, and that we'd wait to propose until we got to the cabin where were staying. HOWEVER, I knew if I didn't propose first, Chelsea would figure out when I was proposing and I wanted to be able to surprise her a little bit.

On our way to the cabin, we stopped in Chattanooga, TN to stay the night with our friends who were joining us on our trip. I had planned with our friend Erica to propose on the pedestrian bridge in downtown Chattanooga. . She convinced Chelsea to go so she could take some pictures of the river (bonus: we got photos of the proposal). 

A little background info: when Chelsea and I started dating, I was nearing the end of an internship and had a lot of time on my hands at work. So, I would doodle on post-it notes and send text message pictures of the notes to Chelsea on occasion. 

Once we were halfway up the bridge, I pulled out a series of post-it notes I had drawn for her about our relationship and our lives together. The last one said "Will you marry me?"


Since Justine's birthday was close to the weekend of our proposal, I decided to extend her birthday celebrations. On her birthday, I gave her the first of many message scrolls (small messages rolled so small they could fit inside a pill) telling her all the ways I loved her. 

At first, it was just one message a day, but as it got closer to the proposal I gave her two. On the day of the proposal, we were at a cabin in Gatlinburg, TN with our friends. I convinced Justine to go to the store with them for an hour, while I set up the cabin for the proposal. I hid 10 messages around the cabin for her to find. Some of them said:

--"I love that we start and end every day with kisses."

--"I love your creative side."

--"I love that we garden together."

--"I love that we can talk about anything."

The final one said: "I love that you said 'Yes!'"
